With Gratitude
Early November 2021
The onset of fall brings with it nostalgia, reflection, and excitement. As the 2021 gardening season comes to a rest (not an end!), anyone who gardens cannot help but to consider what grew well, what we should’ve grown, and what we are wanting to grow next year. Many of us consider this time an end to our active season, retreating inside for warmer morning temperatures, cozying up with a warm cup of coffee venturing outside long enough to see our breath in the air — and then to scoot back in.
The sun is rising shortly before it’s time to get the kids off to school, so my mornings are quiet and darker for far longer than they’ve been all season. I spend these mornings thinking about the work that I’ve done over the past few months, my daily “to-do” list, and what I can’t wait to see emerge next season. At the heart of these thoughts is you.
You, your garden, and the work you do in the dirt has made all of this possible. I began this season late, rusty from more than a decade of gardening for myself primarily in community garden plots and containers. I remembered skills I hadn’t used in years, learned about new tools and techniques, and recognized personal growth through the gardening and study I’ve done since last working in the field (no pun intended, oops).
Thank you for believing in me, in us, and for inviting this tiny brand new gardening company to join you on your journey in your own garden habitat and landscape.